In today’s society, communications play an incredibly important role, as it allows for constant interaction and communication between people, companies, firms and other players in the modern world. You could say, with confidence, that without communications, life as we know it could exist.
Over time, the need to be increasingly communicated grew stronger, and that is why companies and manufacturers related to the world of telephony are on a constant quest to evolve and offer more and better equipment and services to offer its users.
Since 1854, year that could be defined as the date of the creation of the telecommunications market thanks to the invention of the telephone, has not stopped at any time to innovate.
And while the invention of the telephone was a historic event and that had a great impact worldwide, since reduce the distances, offering people the opportunity to communicate more frequently and easily.
Nevertheless, it was not until the advent of cell phones in 1972, an a creation of the mind of Martin Cooper,
Over the years, mobile phones have evolved (and still do) in a drastic way. They began as “bricks” (so named because of its size and shape) and analog, to become digital, smaller in size and equipped with an incredible and amazing amount of functions.
A little history of the cell phone
The cell phone has its beginnings at the beginning of the Second World War, period in which was a real need for remote communication, that’s why Motorola created a team called Handie Talkie H12-16. It is a team that allowed communication via radio waves at that time did not exceed 600 kHz.
It was only a matter of time before the two technologies of Tesla and Marconi come together to create communication through radio phone: Martin Cooper, considered the father of the cell phone, design the first radio telephone between 1970 and 1973, in USA, and in 1979 appeared the first systems on the market in Tokyo (Japan), manufactured by NTT. Europa could not be outdone and in 1981 a system similar to AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) was introduced.
The first cell phone
The first cell phone in history was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, whose appearance was in 1983. It had a weight of 780 grams and measuring about 33 x 9 x 4.5cm. Obviously it was analog, and had a small display. The battery had a shelf life of no more than an hour talking, and 8 hours in stand-by. The sound quality was very poor, was heavy and anti-aesthetic, nevertheless, some people paid their worth USD $ 3.995 what made it a luxury item which is only accessible for people with high purchasing power.
First cellular generation
The first generation of mobile phones comes with the appearance on the world market of the known “brick” (DynaTAC 8000X) in the late ’80s. These devices had analog technology for restricted use of voice commands. The dominant technology of this generation was the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System)
Second cellular generation
This arises in the 90s, with cell phones with digital technology and highly valued benefits, such as extended battery life and greater definition and sound quality. These phones, they had the ability to send and receive text messages (SMS) but at that time it was not the “boom” of this phones. At the end of the decade it saw the rise of cell phones; ordinary people are added to the list of users, favored by lowering prices because of competition between different companies.
This generation of cell phones have as main feature of adding the old technologies with new design. The use of these phones spread to an ever-increasing number of users, mainly due to falling prices. Also it is appearing on stage the SIM card, where all the information is located.
Consumption is significantly extended, and one of the causes of this fact is the existence in the market for GSM phones “low range”, such as the Nokia 1100, Sagem XT, Motorola C200 or C 115, Alcatel, Siemens A56 or Sony Ericsson T106, all with very low prices and enticing promotions.
However, the need to achieve certain social status is still present, and the cell phone has a symbolic value of class membership, both young and senior executives who continue to benefit from its services.
Because of this, alongside to these “minor phone”, users had available in the market an infinite variety of models of phones with digital cameras, and some that even allowed to film a few minutes, color screen, fast Internet connection (4G/LTE), multimedia messaging (MMS) and access to e-mail box (POP3), among others fantastic features.
In 2001, Japan launched 3G mobile phones based on UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System). The main change was the addition of a second camera to make video calls, ie see and talk to one person at a time through the mobile phone. After that, they followed other communications standards, increasingly fast and capable.
At this point, everything was prepared for the appearance on the market of the last revolution in communications: The smartphone, a device that would change the world in a way that few could anticipate.
Smartphones and 4G
There is no doubt that the appearance on the market of standard 4G communications, forever changed the way the mobile phone users use their device. To that extent this is so the phone and the vast number of applications to complement today could not exist.
Binding of the smartphone, an impressive mix of telephone and computer, and this new communications standard, certainly broke the pattern of consumption of content which we used for years, and thanks to the speed of data transmission that can achieve 4G, we can consume without problem video content in HD, music streaming and a thousand other things, besides, of course, everything that has to do with our work so we can make several times faster without many complications, at the place and time where we are, points that are vital to the daily functioning of millions of people around the world today.
As we can see, with the advent of 4G, cell phone users have even closer ties with technology, fully relying on these devices the responsibility to perform safely and effectively many of the tasks previously not even dared to leave it to others, psychological and moral considerations aside.
Thanks to the long journey and the constant evolution of the actors involved in cellular technology, now we are facing a very large market and varied, with many opportunities, with devices and plans to suit each user’s needs, which it is mainly reflected in the specific advertising campaigns on the one hand, and on the other, constantly offering promotions and plans, trying to attract new customers.