The Honor 9 Lite yet again saw a massive demand in its fifth flash sale and was sold out within minutes on Flipkart according to the company. This time the new Glacier Grey variant of the smartphone along with, Midnight Black and Sapphire Blue were available for the purchase. For those who missed out, Honor announces a sixth flash sale on February 13 at 12 noon on As per Honor India, the latest budget offering by the company was sold out within the first 120 seconds on the e-commerce website during its fourth flash sale.
“With this grey variant in the market, we hope to not only expand the Honor 9 Lite portfolio but also continue the winning streak. Ever since the first sale, we have witnessed unparalleled consumer response, which has propelled Honor 9 Lite’s stature as one of the best-selling smartphones from Honor’s portfolio this year” said Mr. P Sanjeev, Vice President, Sales, Huawei Consumer Business Group
As for its cameras, the rear camera of the phone comes with a 13-megapixel primary sensor coupled with a 2-megapixel secondary sensor. A similar setup is seen on the front camera module as well. Both the front and the rear camera setups carry LED flash. In terms of connectivity, the device offers dual hybrid nano-SIM slot, 3.5 mm headphone jack, GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, The device also carry a fingerprint sensor at the back panel.