Android Interview Questions
Android programming is growing day by day. The questions asked by interviewers in android is given below. A list of top android interview questions and answers are given below.
1) What is Android?
Android is an open-source, linux-based operating system that is used in mobiles, tablets, televisions etc.
2) Who is the founder of Android?
Andy Rubin.
3) What are the code names of android?
- Aestro
- Blender
- Cupcake
- Donut
- Eclair
- Froyo
- Gingerbread
- Honycomb
- Ice Cream Sandwitch
- Jelly Bean
- Kitkat
- Lollipop
- Marshmallow
4) What are the advantages of android?
Open-source: It means no licence, distribution and development fee.
Platform-independent: It supports windows, mac and linux platforms.
Supports various technologies: It supports camera, bluetooth, wifi, speech, EDGE etc. technologies.
Highly optimized Virtual Machine: Android uses highly optimized virtual machine for mobile devices, called DVM (Dalvik Virtual Machine).
5) Does android support other language than java?
Yes, android app can be developed in C/C++ also using android NDK (Native Development Kit). It makes the performance faster. It should be used with android SDK.
6) What are the core building blocks of android?
The core building blocks of android are:
- Activity
- View
- Intent
- Service
- Content Provider
- Fragment etc.
7) What is activity?
Activity is like a frame or window in java that represents GUI. It represents one screen of android.
8) What are the life cycle methods of android activity?
There are 7 life-cycle methods of activity. They are as follows:
- onCreate()
- onStart()
- onResume()
- onPause()
- onStop()
- onRestart()
- onDestroy()
9) What is intent?
It is a kind of message or information that is passed to the components. It is used to launch an activity, display a web page, send sms, send email etc. There are two types of intents in android:
- Implicit Intent
- Explicit Intent
10) What is implicit intent in android?
Implicit intent is used to invoke the system components.
11) What is explicit intent in android?
Explicit intent is used to invoke the activity class.
12) How to call another activity in android?
13) What is service in android?
A service is a component that runs in the background. It is used to play music, handle network transaction etc.
More details...14) What is the name of database used in android?
SQLite: An opensource and lightweight relational database for mobile devices.
More details...15) What is AAPT?
AAPT is an acronym for android asset packaging tool. It handles the packaging process.
16) What is content provider?
Content providers are used to share information between android applications.
17) What is fragment?
Fragment is a part of Activity. By the help of fragments, we can display multiple screens on one activity.
18) What is ADB?
ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge. It is a command line tool that is used to communicate with the emulator instance.
19) What is NDK?
NDK stands for Native Development Kit. By using NDK, you can develop a part of app using native language such as C/C++ to boost the performance.
20) What is ANR?
ANR stands for Application Not Responding. It is a dialog box that appears if the application is no longer responding.
21) What is DDMS?
DDMS stands for Dalvik Debug Monitor Server. It gives the wide array of debugging features:
- Port forwarding services
- Screen capture
- Thread and heap information
- Network traffic tracking
- Location data spoofing
22) Define Android Architecture?
Android architecture consists of 4 components:
- Linux Kernal
- Libraries
- Android Framework
- Android Applications
23) What is a portable wi-fi hotspot?
The portable wi-fi hotspot is used to share internet connection to other wireless devices.
24) Name the dialog box which are supported by android?
- Alert Dialog
- Progress Dialog
- Date Picker Dialog
- Time picker Dialog
25) Name some exceptions in android?
- Inflate Exception
- Surface.OutOfResourceException
- SurfaceHolder.BadSurfaceTypeException
- WindowManager.BadTokenException
26) What are the basic tools used to develop an android app?
- Eclipse+ADT plugin
- SDK Tools